Warwick Rockbass Fortress 4-String Reviews 5

I had mu heart set on a RockBass Classic, but unfortuntely here in the UK the distributor had shut down and a new one was being set up - figures! But, wait, after trawling the web I came across a little shop in Wales which had a RockBass Fortress (the model up). I purchase was made of £430 earth pounds.

The look and feel of the guitar is exceptional. It looks alot more expensive that it actually is. Its very easy to hold and the weight is not alot at all. The sounds is superb, I was after versatility (yes, I know Fenders are great - but I really don't like them, nice sounds though). It comes with GOLD MEC active pickups, bass, treble, volume, tone controls, couple with my BOSS GEB-7 equaliser pedal I can get some great sounds from it, although you really dont need to pedal at all, the sounds is more than ample and its a joy to play. I just can't put the thing down, its begging to be played everytime I see it. The fret board is beautiful and very easy to play on. In all, this is a superb bass and I am so very very happy with my purchase. I played on various basses, and this was far more powerful and enjoyable than any other bass in my price range and indeed some above, including Ibanez.

When received I had to make some minor adjustments to the action and I found the strings its comes with abit odd - but I have now found them fine to play with and easier than my normal brand Earnie Balls. This isnt a problem with the bass though, its how the shop set it up. I would say the trebble control could be better - but I'm being picky - the bass control - wow - now that is bass!

Excellent, nothing wrong with it in anyway, and I scanned it - i really looked at it, tested it and it took it all and gave me a slap in the face to make sure I was paying attention. Overall you are hard pressed to find better sound, quality and value for money on any other bass in the price range and some above.

I would recommend this bass to anyone, it is a joy and you would not regret purchasing this - from beginner to expert - I am sure all would enjoy. It looks beautiful, sounds immense when you need it to and let me pretty much creat and sound I require, I am very happy with this bass.

Skuff rated this unit 5 on 2004-08-19.

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